Microbebio products Balance soil PH and enhance Plant Tolerance to Acidity and Alkalinity Stresses.

Microbial fertilizer Organic Fertilizer USA > Microbebio products Balance soil PH and enhance Plant Tolerance to Acidity and Alkalinity Stresses.

Microbebio products Balance soil PH and enhance Plant Tolerance to Acidity and Alkalinity Stresses.


Microbebio products are vital in enhancing plant tolerance to acidity and alkalinity stresses. Microbes, trace minerals, and bioenergy from the portfolio of Microbebio have been found to help balance the pH of soil naturally by breaking apart the OH hydroxide ions, which can lead to improved hydrogen and oxygen levels in the soil creating the optimized environment for microbial growth. This process helps create an ideal home for these microbes, furthering their abilities to protect plants from acidity and alkalinity stresses. The result is increased photosynthesis rates, leading to better crop yields, higher quality products, and improved soil fertility over time. In other words, Microbebio products can act as a natural PH balancer while simultaneously improving nutrient availability.

  • The bacteria’s flocculation action helps retain moisture in the soil, further allowing for higher air and water infiltration. This results in better drainage and aeration of the soil, as well as improved root growth and nutrient availability. Additionally, due to the increased air spaces created by the bacteria, roots can penetrate deeper into the ground – increasing a plant’s chance of obtaining vital minerals from deeper levels of soil. All these factors contribute to healthier plants with more robust growth potential. By introducing aerobic bacteria into soils, our products make it possible for growers to achieve these beneficial effects on their crops.
  • Our bacteria are vital to creating balanced and healthy soil. Freeing up minerals makes the perfect mineral balance for plants to thrive. In this way, our bacteria act as an essential facilitators of the symbiotic relationship between plants and soil by providing essential nutrients. Plants reward these helpful microbes with sugars, their primary sustenance source. Without them, many plant species would be unable to survive in specific environments. Therefore, we must maintain the health of our soil by ensuring its bacterial population remains healthy and abundant. Such measures will provide a sustainable environment for plants and other organisms.
  • The relationship between beneficial bacteria and plants is truly remarkable. The bacteria create moist soil, which both the microbes and plants need to survive. This symbiotic relationship also has another benefit – the bacteria manufacture water (H20) as part of their life process, which acts as an additional source of moisture for the plants. This means they can continue to thrive in dry environments where no water is available. This mutualistic relationship can be hugely beneficial for both parties involved. With such a robust natural process at play, it is no wonder that our environment continues to prosper and sustain life despite changing weather conditions.
  • Our bacteria are anions, producing a negatively charged environment damaging most pathogens. This helps create pathogen-free soil and keeps our plants healthy. Our proprietary technology isolates and multiplies these helpful microbes, creating a powerful ally in the fields. With the help of our bacteria, you can look forward to healthier plants with fewer pest issues and higher yields. Our products provide the perfect balance of essential nutrients while protecting your soil from unwanted pests—without hazardous chemicals or pesticides. Not only will you have more healthful food for your family, but you’ll also be doing your part to protect our planet.
  • The bacteria can effectively remediate salts and prevent the development of a high-saline environment due to their ability to produce an enzyme called polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA). PHA is produced by bacterial cells and serves as a protective layer against salt ions. This layer helps keep the soil low in salinity, thus allowing other organisms to thrive in the affected area. The bacteria also help provide food security by producing nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur compounds that can be used for crop growth. In addition, they create an ideal habitat for beneficial microorganisms such as earthworms which are essential for aeration, improved soil fertility, and nutrient cycling.
    Microbebio products balance the nutrients in the soil, pH is balanced along with all the other minerals. It doesn’t matter if the pH was high or low, when all the minerals in the soil come into balance, pH comes into balance as well.

Microbebio products are designed to help bring soil pH into balance without the need for surface lime applications. Our microbial formulations effectively increase biological activity in the soil and work to naturally adjust the mineral content of your soil. This allows for more balanced nutrient uptake, leading to increased crop yields, the better overall health of plants, and improved soil structure – without worrying about over- or under-liming your fields. Our microbial solutions restore balance to the minerals in your soil and provide long-term maintenance that keeps it healthy and productive season after season. So you can rest assured that your crops are getting everything they need from the soil – even if your initial pH levels were on either end of the spectrum.