About us
We understand that without optimized soil, nutritious food will be much harder to produce without secure soil into the foreseeable future. The way we access food influences the relationship that individuals and communities have with the soil. We present next-gen probiotic soil restoring products – one that contains an advanced patent and proprietary strong probiotic microbial nutritional adaptability. All with the goal of increasing plant vigor, making it exceptional for the suppression of plant pathogens.

MicrobeBio® Energy™ – a next-gen bionanotechnology product – enhances plant health and improves crop productivity. The product synthesizes, harmonizes, and energizes the growth environment to enhance the symbiotic cycle. This helps the microbial population flourish exponentially in the soil and around the rhizosphere. Furthermore, the product provides nanoparticles to create an optimal growth condition producing more oxygen. It also improves both nitrogen and carbon cycles in the ecosystem. This results in ideal aeration, a great water retention capacity, and reduced salinity in the soil. Therefore, MicrobeBio® Energy™ enhances water uptake in adverse conditions such as drought or soil salinization.
In addition, MicrobeBio® Energy™ restructures the water molecules into a very small cluster organizes the molecules into passageways in plant cell membranes. Additionally, the product energizes the microorganisms living on the plant (both on stems and leaves) to convert the atmospheric macronutrients and micro-nutrients deposited on the leaves. They are turned into nutrient solutions helping promote superior plants’ vigor and growth.
MicrobeBio® Energy™ regenerates the humus layer of the degraded topsoil caused by the adverse environment and modern agriculture practice. MicrobeBio® Energy™ – next-gen bionanotechnology – is catalytic to restore nature’s ecosystem while respecting the environment the way Mother Nature intended.

- Increase the biodiversity in the soil
- Increases organic matter and build topsoil
- Enhances soil fertility
- Stimulate robust population of beneficial microorganisms in the soil
- Improves carbon cycles
- Supplies a steady release of nutrients (including mineral nutrients) to plants
- Balances bioenergetic and biosynthesis
- Promotes root and plant growth
- Regulates pH in alkaline and acid conditions
- Prolongs blooming
- Stimulates root and plant growth
- Accelerates seed germination
- Reduces tillage
- Improves water retention that reduces erosion and soil salinization
- Enhance water uptake in adverse conditions such as drought or soil salinization
- Reduces growth stress
- Improves resistance to pathogens
- Significant increases in yield

The MicrobeBio® Energy™ provides a next-generation biotechnology product to apply the crops below:
Root tubers and fruiting vegetables:
- Fruiting vegetables – pumpkin, cucumber, bell peppers, eggplant, tomato, green beans, peas, etc.
- Root tuber vegetables – sweet potato, cassava, beetroot, radish, carrot, onion, potato, etc.
Leafy vegetables:
- Mustard leaves, bok choy, cabbage, lettuce, water spinach, spinach, broccoli, etc.
Industrial trees (long-term trees):
- Cocoa, Coffee, Rubber trees, Black Pepper, etc.
Plantain / Banana:
Perennial grass of the family Poaceae:
- Sugarcane
- Rice, wheat, corn, barley, oat, sorghum, etc.

General Application and Dilution Instruction:
- Agitate 1liter of MicrobeBio® Energy™ at least 200 – 400 liters of the non-chlorine water to treat 1 hectare.
We recommend using MicrobeBio® Energy™ in a combination with other MicrobeBio® organic products lines for an optimal yield and defense against the plant-parasitic nematodes, pathogenic diseases, and harmful pests.
Please contact our MicrobeBio® specialist for detailed applications on the specific crops

MicrobeBio® Phenom Energy™ consists of a synergistic consortium of naturally occurring soil and plant microorganisms to enhance most, if not all crop types, soil conditions, and climates. It helps build and support a plant’s natural immune system to protect the plant from pathogens; thereby, promoting stronger, healthier root, and plant growth, and more robust yields.
MicrobeBio® Phenom Energy™ provides the biological probiotic activity that allows farmers to boost plant vigor. The process is ideal for the control of plant-parasitic nematodes. The advanced patent and proprietary beneficial microorganisms dominate the environment through competitive exclusion, significantly reducing root and foliar diseases cause by fungus and bacteria. This is done by combating harmful pathogens that infiltrate the rhizosphere. When the larvae are actively eating but the plants are not severely injured, the product efficiently suppresses target pests on the plant body. They also aid in the decomposition of organic matter and the liberation of nutrients that are present in the soil but unavailable to the plant. The product works in synergy with the other ingredients to support and sustain healthy roots. Additionally, it provides the best possible outcome for your plants.

- Nitrogen fixation at a biological level
- Solubilizes Phosphates
- Mobilizes and Mineralizes
- Produces of Phytohormones
- Balances the pH of the soil
- Increases Saprophytic and Competence
- Enhances photosynthesis process
- Enhances nutrient absorption and uptake
- Increases crop yield
- Improves the quality of plant vigor
- Heighten water-use efficiency
- Boost population of beneficial microorganisms in the soil
- Improves carbon cycles
- Rebuild topsoil
- Supports the plant’s natural immune system and its ability to resist harmful root and plant pathogens, diseases, and extreme environmental conditions.
- Increases root mass and protect the root surface from harmful plant pathogens such as the plant-parasitic nematodes, harmful diseases, insecticides, and pests.

The MicrobeBio® Phenom Energy™ is an ideal package of the advanced patent and proprietary benefits applied to crops.
Root tubers and fruiting vegetables:
- Fruiting vegetables – pumpkin, cucumber, bell peppers, eggplant, tomato, green beans, peas, etc.
- Root tuber vegetables – sweet potato, cassava, beetroot, radish, carrot, onion, potato, etc.
Leafy vegetables:
- Mustard leaves, bok choy, cabbage, lettuce, water spinach, spinach, broccoli, etc.
Industrial trees:
- Cocoa, Coffee, Rubber trees, Black Pepper, Dragon fruit, etc.
Plantain / Banana.
Perennial grass of the family Poaceae:
- Sugarcane
Cereals/Corn: 4 applications per season
- Rice, wheat, corn, barley, oat, sorghum, etc.

General Application:
- Agitate 100 g MicrobeBio® Phenom Energy™ into at least 10 liters of the non-chlorine water. Continue to dilute the mixture into at least 200 – 400 liters of the non-chlorine water to treat 1 hectare.
We recommend the 2 applications below:
- Option 1 – Hybrid: Using 100g MicrobeBio® Phenom Energy™ + 60% reduction of traditional fertilizers to treat 1 hectare for the high yield and defense against the plant-parasitic nematodes, pathogenic diseases, and harmful pests.
- Option 2 – Optimal: Using 100g MicrobeBio® Phenom Energy™ + 100% organic nutrients from other MicrobeBio® organic product lines for an optimal yield and reduction of the plant-parasitic nematodes, pathogenic diseases, and harmful pests.
Please contact our MicrobeBio® specialist for detailed applications on the specific crops

Reduces plant-parasitic nematodes:
Ditylenchus sp; Helicotylenchus sp.; Meloidogyne sp.; Radopholus sp.; Pratylenchus sp.; Rotylenchulus sp.; Tylenchus sp.
Reduces pathogenic fungi at roots:
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici; Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Cubense; Fusarium oxysporum f.sp . dianthi; Rhizoctonia solani; Sclerotium rolfsii; Sclerotinia sclerotiorum; Pythium ultimum; Phytophthora infestans; P. nicotianae.
Reduces the following pathogenic fungi found on trunks, branches, leaves, and flowers:
Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella figiensis); Sheath blight of Rice (Rhizoctonia solani); Late Blight (Phytothora infestans); Anthracnosis (Colletotrichum gloesporioides); Grey Mildew Disease (Ramularia areola); Powdery Mildew (Oidium spp.); Downy Mildew (Pernospora sparsa); Coffee Rust (Hemileia vastatrix); and other common pathogenic plant fungi.
Reduces the following pathogenic pests:
Armyworm; spider mite; Whiteflies; Midges, Thrips; and other common pathogenic pests.
(Please contact the company for the further harmful fungi list appendix or the product SDS).

Coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) is considered one of the most severe diseases affecting coffee plants. The disease has caused major losses in coffee production areas in the countries of America, Asia, and Africa. MicrobeBio® Phenom Energy provides the advanced patent and proprietary beneficial microorganisms with the use of microbial antagonists against the coffee rust pathogen indicating that the coffee rust disease incidence could be brought down considerably without disturbing the equilibrium of the environment if applied at the appropriate time.
We recommend using MicrobeBio® Phenom Energy in a combination with other MicrobeBio® organic product lines for an optimal yield and defense against the plant-parasitic nematodes, pathogenic diseases, harmful pests, and the prevention of coffee rusk.

Image 1: Visible symptoms are small, pall-yellow spots on the upper surface of the leaves.
Image 2+3: Appearing the orange circular lesions (pustules) with spores on the underside of the leaf.
Image 4: The brown spots in the middle of the pustules are where the leaf died.
Please contact our MicrobeBio® specialist for detailed applications on prevention the coffee rust.

MicrobeBio® Upshot Energy™ (NPK 5-4-8 – 100% organic) provides plants with a complete growth boosting package synthesized from a complex system of plant nutrients, crucial vitamins, and naturally occurring minerals. This product also delivers natural plant hormones, essential sugars, vital amino acids, organic carbons, and proteins to achieve optimal growth.
MicrobeBio® Upshot Energy™ can quickly access the foliage and the root zone to stimulate the photosynthesis process and enhance root growth. This also improves plants response strengthens natural plant defense mechanisms. In addition, it promotes healthy root growth to build robust plants from the root up while respecting the environment.
MicrobeBio® Upshot Energy™ adds a proper amount of nitrogen in amino acid form, creating humic buffers for the soil with organic biopolymers, enhancing the water holding capacity, amongst various other benefits.

Hydroponic Media:
MicrobeBio® Upshot Energy™ is 100% organic wettable and soluble powder that is ideal for all types of outdoor soil and hydroponic growing media:
- Coco coir or coco husk
- Expanded clay pellets
- Perlite
- Rockwool
- Sand
- Sawdust
- Soilless mix
- Vermiculite
- Growstone hydroponic substrate
- River rock
- Oasis Cubes
- Rice Hulls
- Pumice
- Wood fiber
- Brick shards
- Polystyrene packing peanuts

- Easy to apply and to mix (soluble or as dry amendment)
- Rich in organic matter and nutrients
- Supports soil friability
- Promotes beneficial soil ecosystem (including soil microorganisms)
- Provides plants with easier to absorb from the advanced patent and proprietary plant nutrients (macronutrients, secondary nutrients, and micronutrients), amino acid, and growth stimulators
- Support additional nutrients to address as a wider array of deficiencies
- Chelated organic nutrients to become bioavailable from plant consumption in the soil for a much longer period
- Promotes additional budding
- Extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables
- Boosts crop yields
- Improves plant resistance to frost and disease
- Increases uptake of inorganic constituents from the soil
- Bolsters resistance to stress conditions and reduces fruit storage losses
- Promotes vigorous growth and helps deter harmful pests and diseases on fruits, flowers, vegetables, lawns, and etc.
- Balance speed of growth (growth-stimulating and growth-delaying functions) to enhance root growth and prevent bud forming or bud opening at the wrong times.

- Initiates and activates the basic growth processes in the leaves and boosts the photosynthesis (increasing the formulation of chlorophyll
- Helps to increase the water uptake in plants and is extremely helpful in dry conditions – particularly helpful for plants under stress
- Enhances water holding capacity
- Averts “run-off” and retains moisture in the soil
- Enhances soil fertility and its microbiological activity
- Enhances the natural plant defense mechanism
- Balances the surrounding soil
- Provides the early nutrients in the soil.
- Improves soil and strengthens crops
- Adjusts soil pH
- Increases buffering capacity of the soil
- Amends clay soil, saline soil, alkaline soil, rocky soil, and sand soil
- Promotes strengthening of the cell walls
- Provides increased mechanical support to the aerial parts
- Enhance taste and aromas on fruits and vegetables
- Corrects Chlorosis (yellowing of the leaves)
- Boosts photosynthetic electron transport, plant respiration, and numerous enzymatic reactions.
- Promotes energy transfers

The MicrobeBio® Upshot Energy™ provide the balanced nutrients (support Hydroponic) to apply to at least variant times per season. (Please contact our company for further detailed applications):
Root tubers and fruiting vegetables:
- Fruiting vegetables – pumpkin, cucumber, bell peppers, eggplant, tomato, green beans, peas, etc.
- Root tuber vegetables – sweet potato, cassava, beetroot, radish, carrot, onion, potato, etc.
Leafy vegetables:
- Mustard leaves, bok choy, cabbage, lettuce, water spinach, spinach, broccoli, etc.
Industrial trees (long-term trees):
- Cocoa, Coffee, Rubber trees, Black Pepper, etc.
Plantain / Banana:
Perennial grass of the family Poaceae:
- Sugarcane
- Rice, wheat, corn, barley, oat, sorghum, etc.

General Application and Dilution Instruction:
- Agitate 5 kg MicrobeBio® Upshot Energy™ into at least 10 liters of the non-chlorine water. Continue to dilute the mixture into at least 200 – 400 liters of the non-chlorine water to treat 1 hectare
We recommend using MicrobeBio® Upshot Energy™ in a combination with other MicrobeBio® organic products lines for an optimal yield and defense against the plant-parasitic nematodes, pathogenic diseases, and harmful pests.
Please contact our MicrobeBio® specialist for detailed applications on the specific crops

MicrobeBio® Rhizo Energy™ is an all-natural and organic granular slow-release fertilizer enhanced with mycorrhizae and beneficial microbes. These microbes are designed to primarily stimulate plant root growth. MicrobeBio® Rhizo Energy™ is packed full of essential beneficial microbes, Macro, and Micronutrients that are crucial to superior plant growth. It delivers these nutrients in a form that is consistently available for the plant’s immediate use.
MicrobeBio® Rhizo Energy™ contains primary and secondary nutrients, along with organic matter with available nitrogen sources. Bio-stimulants and advanced biological humic, and fulvic acids are also part of the blend. This combination of organic and mineral elements, all while establishing the fundamental food sources needed in order to stimulate the colonization of beneficial soil microbes. This is possible regardless of the crop or condition of the soil.

MicrobeBio® Rhizo Energy™ greatly enhances bio-geochemical processes such as the Carbon Cycle, Nitrogen Cycle, Mineralization, and Decomposition. It gives the soil the ability to better hold, convert, stabilize, and increase nitrogen.
MicrobeBio® Rhizo Energy™ ensures the absorption of the available bio-stimulants and helps fight the nutrient deterioration in nearby sources of water. This is possible thanks to a design that is meant to break down slowly in conjunction with the response produced by the plant, rather than merely dissolving in water. This results in a major reduction of groundwater leeching and excess runoff of nutrients.
MicrobeBio® Rhizo Energy™ will strengthen the entire plant’s root system, allowing the plant to grow stronger, bigger, and more vigorous. This leads the generation of a higher yield and better protection against pests, disease, and unfavorable environmental conditions.
MicrobeBio® Rhizo Energy™ is an all-around environmentally friendly agricultural product that minimizes nutrient pollution.

- Contain all the macronutrients that plants need all season long
- Improve the efficiency of the plant’s metabolism
- Increases plant tolerance of biological and physical stresses while promoting quick recovery
- Improves root depth and density.
- Stimulates biological activity by increasing microbial colonies.
- Stimulates plant growth and increases yield in every type of land or region
- Delivers primary nutrient source of food for plants
- Remediates salinity and heavy metal contamination in soils
- Regulates pH in acid or alkaline conditions
- Increases BRIX levels
- Increases organic matter and Carbon source
- Increases Chlorophyll Content
- Enhances natural defenses against the plant-parasitic nematodes and harmful diseases at roots
- Improves water retention and water uptake
- Significantly improves soil health and soil structure

Once MicrobeBio® Rhizo Energy™ is applied to the soil, millions upon millions of these beneficial microorganisms and mycorrhizae begin to make their way to the plant root zone. This is necessary to develop and form a fully functional extended network of fine filaments that covers over seven hundred times more soil area. This establishes and forms a symbiotic relationship, colonizing the plant’s root zone and providing it with a greater increase in water and nutrient absorption efficiency. The increase in the plant’s root mass allows for the plant to reach more of the beneficial nutrients and water. Elements that would have otherwise been unavailable for use without having used MicrobeBio® Rhizo Energy™. The plant will also show improved drought tolerance and have much lower irrigation requirements.
MicrobeBio® Rhizo Energy™ presents an innovative technology, comprised of advanced patent and proprietary beneficial microbes with an outstanding research pedigree that becomes a popular method to create “ideal” soil fertility with balanced nutrient concentration. This product can supercharge the depleted soil after years of traditional fertilizer applications. It also gives the topsoil an all-in-one homogenous package of advanced biologicals and all nutrients (macronutrients, secondary nutrients, and micronutrients for consistent performance).

The MicrobeBio® Rhizo Energy™ provide the slow-release nutrients to apply to at least variant times per season. (Please contact our company for further detailed applications):
Root tubers and fruiting vegetables:
- Fruiting vegetables – pumpkin, cucumber, bell peppers, eggplant, tomato, green beans, peas, etc.
- Root tuber vegetables – sweet potato, cassava, beetroot, radish, carrot, onion, potato, etc.
Leafy vegetables:
- Mustard leaves, bok choy, cabbage, lettuce, water spinach, spinach, broccoli, etc.
Industrial trees (long-term trees):
- Cocoa, Coffee, Rubber trees, Black Pepper, etc.
Plantain / Banana:
Perennial grass of the family Poaceae:
- Sugarcane
- Rice, wheat, corn, barley, oat, sorghum, etc.

General Application and Dilution Instruction:
- Spread 50 kg MicrobeBio® Rhizo Energy™ to treat 1 hectare.
We recommend using MicrobeBio® Rhizo Energy™ in a combination with other MicrobeBio® organic products lines for an optimal yield and defense against the plant-parasitic nematodes, pathogenic diseases, and harmful pests.
Please contact our MicrobeBio® specialist for detailed applications on the specific crops

Enhance taste, aromas, and nutrient contents in crops
MicrobeBio® Energy Series – The next-gen soil enhancement:
- Promote growth and build topsoil
- Stimulate microbially activities
- Improve root depth and density
- Enhance taste, aromas, and nutrient contents in crops
- Increase nutrient efficiency
- Reduce carbon footprint and carbon emission
- Revitalize air, water, and soil
- Prevent plant pathogens
- Environment-friendly safe for pets and human
You might say MicrobeBio® Energy Series – Next-gen Soil Enhancement – takes the best of Mother Nature to create a concentrated form. Like all-natural products should be, we never use growth hormones or GMOs, never irradiate and never use chemicals that are harmful to humans, livestock, or the planet.
In closing, think of the MicrobeBio® Energy Series – Next-gen soil enhancement as the healthy food for plant food. A product that is here to put a stop to all the horticultural junk food that’s been shoved down Mother Nature’s gullet for far too long.
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