
We make use of proprietary next-generation technology in order to take traditional ingredients from seaweed, hold fish, and humid acid-based laced with 70 trace minerals. This combination creates one of the most powerful fertilizer products available today. The Hydro Activator new technology to improve sustainability
There is always a moment when a product enters an industry and starts to gain popularity due to the effectiveness that it offers. This is the reason why it is important to understand every aspect of that product in order to ensure that it is ideal for the intended purposes. We are going to be talking about our Hydro Activator fertilizer as well as the many advantages that come from its use. We are also going to look into the many alternatives that are also part of the existing options. All with the idea of creating a reliable and solid number of options that can be measured based on their performance and the results that they provide.
The essentials of our Hydro Activator fertilizer
Our Hydro Activator is made out of fresh fish and seaweed extract. The process is conducted at very low temperatures in order to ensure the integrity of the enzymes, hormones, vitamins, and amino acids. Once this is done, the raw materials are placed in digestion tanks in order to start liquifying the product.
Hydro Activator makes use of all proteins and natural oils. They all break down at a very slow pace and this makes them accessible for longer periods of time. We have a propriety next-generation process with advanced organic nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. biological matter, sea plant extract, and more than 70 trace minerals.
This is a age old product that was enhance with advance next generation technology that has proven to be an ideal choice for anyone that is looking to optimize the nutritional value of their crops. This is the reason why it has turned into such a great choice that is also accessible and allows the user to see the kind of results that they would expect from this kind of fertilizer.
The history of the product
There is no question that we have seen many advancements in the way that
food is grown, but the quality of the food has not been as optimal in terms of nutrition as it was half a century ago. The use of synthetic fertilizers has become quite a problem
in this sense because this gets rid of many essential nutrients that the plants need. There is much more about the history of Microbebio organic Fertilizer.
There are many additional supplements that come from Microbebio organic Fertilizer. This is extremely useful as it helps plants grow much stronger. You can find the use of Microbebio Organic Fertilizer being traced back as far as the Roman Empire and this is something that says a lot about the quality of this particular nutritional source.
Given that this has been proven to be an amazing way to give proper nutrition to plants, it is important to understand the details and the complexities behind this fertilizer. Once you are able to learn the technical aspects of the functions of the fertilizer, you get a much better idea of what is happening. Sometimes it is important to understand everything ranging from the origins of a solution to the uses, and the outcomes of the many studies involved. This is always going to be the kind of thing that makes this process much easier. Understanding a product that you wish to use is always going to help you make the right kind of decision.
Fish and seaweeds extract is known as one of the most powerful and reliable providers of fertilizer and this is the reason why it is so important to consider its use for the purpose of providing nourishment to plants. You can also see information showing that the Mayans and Native Americans also used fish for the purpose of growing crops and this also reminds us of the incredible value of this type of fertilizer.
One of the important things to keep in mind is that they achieved this because they knew that fish was a great source of the required nutrients. It had nothing to do with the lack of technology that they had back then. Their ability to come up with great strategies for the growth of their crops was definitely more advanced than one may think.
It is also curious to note that they had no idea of any of the scientific aspects of this process. They simply went by trial and error. Once they found a method that showed better quality crops in terms of size, taste, and resistance, they knew they had found something worth using.

The 101 on liquid Hydro Activator fertilizer
Now, we can talk about the best big thing and that is the use of Hydro Activator for the purpose of use as a fertilizer for plants. Perhaps this is the last type of fertilizer that most people would even consider buying. This is simply due to misinformation because the reality is that Hydro Activator is not just a great organic option. It also happens to come from a very sustainable source and the harvesting process can be achieved without doing any kind of damage to the environment. One great thing about Hydro Activator is that they are mainly made from a variety of fish and seaweed known as kelp. This can grow to as many as 50 meters in length and that makes it an excellent source.
There are trace elements including potassium, nitrogen, iron, zinc and magnesium. All of those are extremely beneficial to plant health and this makes the process extremely reliable. It is also important to note that kelp is one of the main and most common ingredients found in any fertilizer made of seaweed. The ease of harvest and the extreme availability are very good points as to why this is one of the most reliable sources for organic fertilizer.
What exactly is a Hydro Activator fertilizer?
You can think of Hydro Activator fertilizer as organic feeds that contain extracts of types of seaweed. There are several varieties that you can find, but the ascophyllum nodosum seems to be the one that is most beneficial for general plant health. There is a good amount of magnesium, nitrogen, potassium, and other reliable and nutritious components.
This product is a truly unique and powerful option that is revolutionizing fertilizers and giving new options that ensure optimal plant growth and better-quality produce.
The many presentations on Hydro Activator fertilizer
There are liquid, granular, and powdered forms of Hydro Activator fertilizer, but the liquid presentation has shown to be the most popular. The main reason for that is that it seems like liquid fertilizers provide faster results and this is due to how they do not need to break down in order to be taken by the plants.
The liquid form of the fertilizer is ready for plant consumption. There is also the issue of solid fertilizers being harder to track in terms of the rate at which plants take them and this is also a disadvantage.
Is it good to use Hydro Activator fertilizer for all types of plants?
There is no question that all types of plants are going to be able to see many benefits from the use of Hydro Activator fertilizers. They all contain a large number of minerals, complex carbohydrates, and many essential nutritional elements. There is also the promotion of bacterial activities and the intake of nutrients from the root of the plan is optimal. On top of all this, the plants are also going to develop a great level of resistance to pests, disease, and any kind of abiotic stress that is caused to the plants.

How and where should you use liquid Hydro Activator fertilizer?
The great thing about this type of fertilizer is that it can be used in any area of your garden with very successful results. This means that it can be used on the lawn, or it can be used for fruits, vegetables, and cereal crops. The results you are able to get from this treatment will depend on the way you implement it and that is a major factor to consider.
One thing that is undeniable is that every lawn or garden treated with Hydro Activator is always going to look much better than one without this treatment. Healthier harvests for your fruits and vegetables are also an outcome of the proper use of this fertilizer.
It is essential to know how to use these liquid Hydro Activator fertilizers because this is going to be crucial for your success. These liquid fertilizers are very strong and this means you need to dilute them properly to avoid burning any roots or seeds. There are specific instructions on dilution rates, so this
should never be a problem. Also, remember that not all planets will require the same amount of dilution.
The Hydro Activator fertilizer for plants and the advantages it offers
There are many specific advantages that you can consider when you are talking about Hydro Activator fertilizer. We are going to be discussing the most relevant and this is going to help you determine just how powerful and reliable this can be for your plants.

1. They are extremely rich in nutrients
As we mentioned before, there are countless nutrients that are going to be extremely important in this process. Hydro Activator fertilizer contains a healthy amount of organic matter including a wide array of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron, zinc, and calcium. You also have a the wealth of vitamins and the combination of all of these nutrients creates an outstanding fertilizer option.
2. They are absorbed by plants with ease
The many nutrients included in Hydro Activator fertilizer are going to be extremely easy to absorb and this is also one reason why they are extremely
reliable. All that is needed after the fertilizer is applied is to wait two to three hours at most for the nutrients to enter the plants and achieve optimal absorption. There is alginic acid is found in the Hydro Activator fertilizer and this is a great element that reduces water surface tension. This creates a layer of film that covers the surface of the plant and this increases the contact area to ensure that the plants will achieve optimal absorption.
3. They greatly improve the soil
When you have a fertilizer that works properly with the soil ecosystem, you get an excellent result that activates microorganisms that are going to be the catalysts of the circulation of metabolites that will ensure the soil becomes biologically effective.
4. The fertilizer effect is quite long
The process that we mention above creates a very powerful and reliable result that is going to help extend the efficiency of the fertilizer. This is a great advantage as it means that you are going to get a much better result for the use of this type of fertilizer.
It is safe and it has no toxic properties
- All of the contents of the Hydro Activator fertilizer come from fish and natural seaweeds and this means that they are non-toxic. They are also not going to be a polluting factor for the environment or for any livestock or humans.
- The number of nutritional elements is more than enough of a reminder of the quality and value of this particular type of plant. It is important to
think of the many benefits involved.
The following are some of the most relevant benefits to keep in mind:
- The shelf life of vegetables and fruits is greatly extended as long as the application of the fertilizer is 10 days before harvest.
- There is additional budding when you apply it just as you start seeing that the plants are starting to bud.
- Cut flowers also have an extended lifetime as long as they are spayed no more than 48 hours before they are cut.
- They are also going to improve the quality of pasture crops when you decide to apply this fertilizer.
- Crops yields can also be expected to be much higher and this is going to be very important.
- Stress conditions are likely to be handled by plants with a much better outcome.
- There are less possibilities of pests and diseases taking over fruits or vegetables.
- They are very useful in organic garden projects and they are excellent soil conditioners.
There is a rise in the use of Hydro Activator fertilizer
Some people wonder and question the use of Hydro Activator fertilizer is truly effective and efficient. The answer is yes and the evidence of that is more than clear. There is an undeniable number of people who are now seeing the benefits of using this particular fertilizer. At the end of the day, all the technical and scientific talk is not going to be a match for results and the results have been quite positive for users.

Microbebio Organic Fertilizer
There are many benefits to the use of Microbebio Organic Fertilizer and as we mentioned before, this has been used for centuries as it proves to be an excellent fertilizer with nutritional value. There are many macronutrients and micronutrients available in this type of fertilizer.
There are two different ways in which these Microbebio Organic Fertilizers are processed and this is something important to keep in mind. You have the non-hydrolyzed version that makes use of the unusable fish parts which include scales, skin, and bones. This could seem useless for any other purpose, but it is very useful for fertilizing.
Then you have the hydrolyzed version that is used to make Hydro Activator and this uses the entire fish, which means that the number of nutrients that will reach the plants is going to be higher.
You also have to consider the difference between the granular Microbebio Organic Fertilizer and
the liquid versions. The liquid version is usually a more concentrated form and this means that dilution is going to be important. The granular form is going to be a spreadable type of pellet that is going to be sprinkled on the surface, but
this means it will take longer to have any effect.
There are some important benefits to Microbebio Organic Fertilizer that include the following:
- There are many beneficial nutrients contained in these Microbebio Organic Fertilizers
- They are known to be great for the improvement of soil health
- They are great in liquid form for quick absorption
- They are flexible products to deliver nutrients and trace mineral
Hydro Activator promotes growth and better yields every season – regardless of the crop, climate patterns, soil type, or topography.

What are biostimulants?
We quote the European Biostimulants Council in their description of biostimulants.
“Substances and/or microorganisms whose function when applied to plants or the rhizosphere is to stimulate natural processes to benefit nutrient uptake, nutrient use efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress, and/or crop quality, independently of its nutrient content.”
The application of these bio-stimulants to plants includes foliar spray and soil drench techniques. The effects that these techniques have on plants are going to be quite different so it is important to consider which one fits a specific situation.
The science behind the use of fish and seaweed extracts has been quite clear thanks to the massive research that has been applied. There is no question at this point that there are massive benefits to the use of liquid Hydro Activator fertilizer and the many benefits that they ring to any application with the increase in quality, nutritional value, resistance, and durability of the plans that make use of this powerful and reliable fertilizer.
This is not a relevant concern given that the product comes with very specific dilution instructions. No user should worry about achieving the right kind of results with this. The dilution process is very simple as long as you follow the instructions.
This makes the Hydro Activator fertilizer one of the most reliable types of fertilizers available. This alone makes it an outstanding choice that is used by many with successful results.
The essential nutrients that are found in Hydro Activator fertilizer
There are many important nutrients that are found in the Hydro Activator fertilizer and it is important to know which ones and the benefits that they bring. This is a very basic description of each one, but this should give you the insight you need in order to know the essentials regarding each nutrient.
Nitrogen is an essential macronutrient for plant function and is a key component of amino acids, which form the building blocks of plant proteins and enzymes. Proteins make up the structural materials of all living matters and enzymes facilitate the vast array of biochemical reactions within a plant. Nitrogen is also a component of the chlorophyll molecule, which enables the plant to capture sunlight energy by photosynthesis, driving plant growth and grain yield.
Nitrogen plays a critical role within the plant to ensure energy is available when and where the plant needs it to optimize yield. This crucial nutrient is even present in the roots as proteins and enzymes help regulate water and nutrient uptake.
Potassium (K) is an essential element for plant growth it is important to food crops. Potassium, often called potash, helps plants use water and resist drought and enhances fruits and vegetables. If soluble Potassium is deficient in soil, it can stunt growth and cause other symptomatic issues.

Phosphorus is a component of the complex nucleic acid structure of plants, which regulates protein synthesis. Phosphorus is, therefore, important in cell division and the development of new tissue. Phosphorus is also associated with complex energy transformations in the plant.
Adding phosphorus to soil low in available phosphorus promotes root growth and winter hardiness, stimulates tillering, and often hastens maturity.

Key Benefits of Phosphorus for Plants
1. Root Growth – An important nutrient to encourage root growth on any plant. Roots are the foundation of the plant, and having a healthy, web-like root system is crucial to ensuring a healthy plant.
2. Flowers and Seeds – Improves flower formation and seed production. Paying attention to flower formation is crucial for any landscaper or homeowner installing a landscape. But, it’s also important for growers, because flower formation is the leading indicator to a healthy fruit set.
- Improves Plant Resilience – Phosphorus improves plant resilience against disease and helps strengthen the plant for winter. Stimulated root development
- Increased stalk and stem strength
- Improved flower formation and seed production
- More uniform and earlier crop maturity
- Increased nitrogen N-fixing capacity of legumes
- Improvements in crop quality
- Increased resistance to plant diseases
- Supports development throughout the entire lifecycle

Magnesium: Lack of magnesium leads to stunted plant growth due to a lack of sufficient chlorophyll. There are also very specific enzyme systems that will be activated by this nutrient and those are both important reasons why it is essential to have magnesium in the nutritional process of any plant.
Boron: This particular nutrient is going to play a very important role in the process of helping cell wall formation. This is going to be extremely useful in the process of maintaining structural functionality. Pollination is also improved as well as the seed set.
Calcium: One of the greatest benefits of calcium I that it will help improve root mass and this also leads to faster growth. It is essential for plants to have plenty of calcium available during their growth.
Manganese: This is a very relevant micronutrient that is going to be extremely useful in the process of growth of the plant and general development. The amount of manganese required is quite low, but it is essential to have it even if it is only needed in small quantities.
Copper: This is a very powerful nutrient that is going to help in the process of plant metabolism, respiration, and photosynthesis. All the proteins and carbs the plants need will be metabolized more efficiently with proper amounts of copper.
Cobalt: Plant stress is a serious problem and Cobalt is a great nutrient to help plants recover from this faster. Growth is also greatly benefited from the inclusion of cobalt in the plant’s nutrition.
Iodine: the biomass accumulation of a plant is going to be great to ensure proper and faster flowering. It also helps improve plant defense and it will protect from stress.
Iron: The plant is going to be able to move oxygen faster when they have iron in its nutrition, but there is only a small amount of iron needed for this purpose.
Nitrogen: This is also going to be a very important macronutrient that is going to help plant function as well as growth.
Potassium: The way that water moves within the plant’s structure is going to be greatly affected by the levels of potassium found in the plant’s nutrition. They are great to help plants grow faster.
Sodium: While some people would imagine sodium is not good for plants, it does offer some plant growth and resistance benefits. The amount of sodium needed is quite low.
Zinc: This is also an essential component of various enzymes that help boost the metabolism of plants and ensure that they are able to grow with optimal strength and resistance.
The Vitamins found in Hydro Activator fertilizer
Vitamin A: Plants are going to be able to grow faster and taller when they have a good amount of vitamin A in their nutrition. Their ability to resist infection is also going to be greatly improved by this process.
Vitamin B1: This is going to allow for the plant to be transplanted successfully by preventing transplant shock while also aiding in the growth of the plant.
Vitamin B2: This is also going to be ideal to help in the process of plant growth. There will be some developmental benefits from the intake of this vitamin.
Vitamin B6: There are many biochemical reactions that will see amazing benefits from this vitamin. Cell death is prevented and delayed thanks to the
the protection provided by vitamin B6.
Vitamin C: A very protective vitamin that is going to help the plant deal with stress caused by UV radiation with more efficiency.

Vitamin E: The longevity, growth, and blooming process of a plant will be enhanced by Vitamin E. Now that we have seen the many nutrients that are available in Hydro Activator fertilizer, it is important to talk about the benefits of liquid Hydro Activator fertilizer and really drive that aspect home with solid and concise information that can provide insight to those who are looking into the alternative of using Hydro Activator fertilizer.

There is research involved in the effects of liquid Hydro Activator fertilizer
There has been some information made available on the studies related to Hydro Activator when it is used as fertilizer. The yield for certain fruits and vegetables saw an increase of up to 40%. This includes strawberries, apples, tomatoes, sweet corn, and peppers amongst others.
The role of hormones in the efficiency of liquid Hydro Activator fertilizer
It turns out that hormones play a very important role in the overall wellness of a plant and this is very important. Understanding the role of those hormones is going to be very important.
There are several types of auxins and they all have different types of benefits for plants. One of the key roles that they play is the stimulation of balanced growth in order to ensure that the plant is not evolving faster than it should.
Seaweed has been detected as a factor that is extremely important in the process of producing auxins.
These hormones are responsible for triggering very important growth processes for a plant and they help slow down its aging process of it significantly. This is one of the reasons why it is important to have that hormone in the development of a plant.

The osmotic process in plants is greatly benefited by betaines and this is great when pants are dealing with dry conditions. This hormone is also very effective in helping plants under stress recover faster.
What is the process of creating liquid Hydro Activator fertilizer?
There are several species of seaweed that go through a special process in order to create these fertilizers. The process of choosing the healthiest weeds is also going to be extremely important to ensure that there will be plenty of yield on their growth-promoting substance. Hydro Activator This is a natural soil conditioner that stimulates microbes and is also an organic chelator. One of the most essential aspects of it is that it helps increase the intake levels of
nutrients for plants and this makes it a very reliable and powerful organic material.
There are many benefits to Hydro Activator and some of the most
relevant include:
- Macro and micronutrients are chelated to increase the availability
- Improved overall health for plants
- Increased soil carbon
- Improved viability of sees Improved soil structure
- Stimulation of beneficial organisms
- Sandy soil effectiveness is higher
How does Hydro Activator work?
Hydro Activator has the ability to chelate ions, most specifically positively charged ions. It also works as a very powerful detoxifier of heavy metals that could be found in the soil.
There are many benefits that we have mentioned briefly, but now we are going to be talking about those benefits at a more advanced level. This is going to give you a clearer idea of how important Hydro Activator is for the overall health of a plant.
A higher level of nutrient intake
When you are looking to achieve optimal plant health, you will find it essential to have Hydro Activator as part of this process. One of the main issues without Hydro Activator is that many nutrients provided by your fertilizers will not be accessible to most plants. This makes the use of Hydro Activator extremely important in both foliar and soil applications.
The benefits of soil applications are going to be extremely good for the root system of the plant and foliar applications will be very useful in helping increase the cell wall permeability that is found on the plant’s surface.
A decrease in toxins
This is also going to prove to be a very important and powerful benefit of Hydro Activator. The nutrients are not just going to be made more available, but harmful toxins will also chelate in the soil. This is going to prevent them manage to making their way into the plant. Grow higher, better yields every season, with precision irrigation – no matter your crop, climate patterns, soil type or topography. Those toxins and pollutants can cause serious long-term damage to the plants and degrade crop health while also compromising the volume of the crops.
Increased water retention
When a plant is able to increase water retention, this is going to be extremely useful in the process of protecting the plant. Hydro Activator has the ability to help increase the amount of water that the soil can retain. This is going to prove to be very important for arid and sandy soils. The way this works is that there are positive ions attracted by the negative charge of Hydro Activator. This is going to make the ions move away from the humic molecule and it will then

attach to the oxygen of water molecules. It is due to this phenomenon that water evaporation see as decrease of up to 30%.
Microbial growth improvement
Microbial populations in the soil are greatly benefited by Hydro Activator. The reason why this happens is that Hydro Activator provides a very powerful source of carbon. This is a great food source that microbes love. They also provide shelter for microbial populations.
Improved overall soil structure
The net charge of Hydro Activator is negative, but it carries positive charges as well. There is more space and water penetration thanks to the ability of Hydro Activator to bond to soil particles.
Coated seeds
Nutrient coating is a very powerful way for any plant to be kept in optimal condition. Classic Coated Seed contains seeds mixed with essential nutrients that promote germination. They can contain a variety of components, including calcium carbonate to adjust pH and talcum levels. Various micro-and macro- nutrients make up the essential components
of Integrated seeds. These seeds are easy to distinguish in appearance from normal, uncovered seeds, without any type of seed modification.
The benefits apply to both the single seed types as well as seed mixtures, whether sewn by hand or by mechanical means. In extreme cases difficult or impossible to cultivate, the seed does not require the same amount of soil preparation that would usually be required for uncovered seed.
All varieties of Coated Seeds are packed with a plant health booster to ensure healthy, fast germination in any field.
Seed development technologies such as seed harvesting as well as a seed coating, created by the agricultural seed industry, are common processes for most plants and seed crops. However, such technologies are only tested on the seeds of indigenous plants despite the potential benefits of such treatments to improve the efficiency of recovery. The main methods used in indigenous seeds include (1) germination, in which seeds are placed in water under controlled conditions, and (2) seed coverings, where foreign substances and compounds are applied to the seeds by various treatments. These technologies are often used to accelerate and integrate germination and improve seed germination, seed germination, establishment and facilitate seed delivery on-site, by measuring seed size and shape. Seed development technologies have now been tested on indigenous seeds in order to overcome planning and environmental barriers to restoration.
However, further research is needed to expand the use of seed enhancers in a wide range of plants, ecosystems, and regions and to explore new and innovative ways such as the incorporation of beneficial microorganisms into the soil and crop growth controls in the cover. As indigenous seed development strategies develop, these approaches need to be developed to provide the tons of seed needed for land reform.
Trial tests
There have been trial tests conducted in order to see if the Hydro Activator fertilizer is an optimal option to be used on wine grapes. The results show that fish protein organic fertilizers are great for the process of promoting the growth and development of grape leaves.
Treatment |
A dry weight of hundreds of leaves (g) |
Fresh weight of hundreds of leaves |
Leaf Thickness |
Leaf area |
Weight Per Ear (kg) |
Soluble Solid (%) |
Yields (kg) |
CK |
138 |
340 |
0.446 |
22.2 |
0.142 |
17.83 |
82.7 |
Foliar Spray |
159 |
482.5 |
0.476 |
27.9 |
0.19 |
17.55 |
107.7 |
Foliar Spray |
191 |
596.7 |
0.522 |
30.3 |
0.192 |
18.91 |
113.0 |

Effects on Wine Grape Growth
The leaf areas of grape leaves treated with this fertilizer have been shown to be significant at increasing the thickness and their fresh weight was also shown to be much higher. This is one of the most compelling reasons why many growers have decided to start making use of this type of fertilizer.
Effects on Grape Fruit growth
The use of this fertilizer has also been tested to ensure the best outcome and this leads to better yield with an increase of 34.6%, which is a great number to consider for many different reasons. There are many aspects to consider when calculating the benefits, but it has been quite clear that it has resulted in excellent results.

World Agriculture
The rapidly growing population in the entire world has shown us the need to significantly increase the level of food production in a world with concerning soil and water shortages that are also accompanied by climate pressures. This is a situation that has created a new interest in the use of the powerful Hydro Activator due to its outstanding properties. The kind that enhances plant growth with several metabolic benefits, stimulates fast disease response and increases the levels of stress tolerance. The core aspect of these benefits is quite complex and not well understood in many cases.
complex mechanisms are still quite complex. Moreover, fish and seaweed vessels are already introducing a highly improved level of agricultural production, and they are allowing for further understanding of their biological processes. This in turn will improve productivity in the future in all aspects of agriculture. The current situation and context of the use of marine vegetation in worldwide agriculture can be seen here.
Liquid seaweed, fish, and humid acid find themselves processed into Hydro Activator biomass using various production systems that include alkaline or acid hydrolysis as well as cellular disruption under pressure or fermentation. Extracts comprise
different fractions of substantially different molecules and they also happen to be heterogeneous. In the existing literature, research emphasis finds itself distributed in seven distinct categories. Fish and Seaweed that are collected on the coast
has been undoubtedly exploited for centuries and is still used for many purposes. This is thanks to their ability to improve soil and structure nutrients. Something that is achieved by adding compost that promotes a truly outstanding level of plant quality and growth. However, it was the development of the Hydro Activator biomass melting process that revolutionized the use of fish and seaweed in agriculture The discovery of fish and seaweed liquid and its ease of use initiated the construction of a seafood industry in England in the 1950’s and allowed for widespread use in agriculture to withstand plant diseases and weather pressures such as cold or drought. There are also benefits associated with improved soil structure, groundwater holding capacity, and the development of soil microbiology.
Sometimes it is essential to see what consumers are saying in order to show that a product offers optimal quality. You will find that we have received many positive reviews that offer very evident benefits. The following are some of the many experiences that people have shared after purchasing our fertilizer.
“Our vegetable garden was the talk of the town after we used your product. We have never seen vegetables grow so big!” – Tuan Phan | Lancaster , CA
My lawn has never looked better, and soon, everyone on the block was asking for it. We now order it in bulk to share with our entire Homeowner’s Association! Everyone in our subdivision is using it! – Kenny | Denver, CO
“I started adding your Hydro Activator to the water I put on my rose plants and the blooms this year are huge, I think there are at least twice as many! I have used several other types of fertilizer, but nothing has worked like this!” – Diane | Orlando, FL
“I had heard that fish makes a great fertilizer, but I was not prepared for the amazing results. This stuff is terrific, I love it!” – Jason | Orange Park, FL
“I have been using your Microbebio Organics AQS fertilizer on my lawn for the last two seasons and my lawn has never been so green and thick, like a carpet. I am buying more now for the spring.” – Ringgold | Savannah, GA
Liquid marine plants are very complex and they have been shown to have new ways of increasing the levels of plant production. The benefits of marine vegetation extraction are quite vast and reviewed earlier in the context of the northern hemisphere, but not for Australia, its vegetation, and it’s an incredibly unique ecosystem. This review looks to examine the use of seafood plants in agriculture. This is done in order to present the history of the liquid seaweed extract industry and to maintain focus on worldwide research. Looking for evidence related to fish, seaweed extract and humic formation, optimal plant growth structures during plant development, and bacterial diseases. There are also new methods of phenotyping the undeniable biological effectiveness of marine plants. This

is the type of research that proves to be very important for the future of all world agricultural processing procedures. As we had mentioned earlier, the use of seaweed dates back to Roman times. Recently, there have been many discoveries on the scientific benefits that come from using extracts from aquatic plants, fish, and organic matter in agriculture. They have been extensively reported and carefully reviewed in all sorts of scientific literature on bio-stimulant plants. With that said, despite the growing evidence of the highly unique, very specific, and complex functions of the various molecules extracted from marine fish and plants, their

“Our fertigation specialist is absolutely THRILLED with products. We are so glad we tried you guys, and we’d like to continue purchasing from you in the future. Thanks again for making these great products!” – James Well | Greenville, NC
Best thing I ever did for my garden – Microbebio Organic Fertilizer is Awesome ! I use Microbebio Organics AQS Fertilizer on EVERYTHING growing in my yard. The results are phenomenal! My roses are blooming like nobody’s business and my vegetable are producing more than I ever dreamed they could. It is very easy to use and the results are pretty fast. I apply this fertilizer every three weeks – and my yard has never had so many flowers and veggies. A BIG BOOST FOR FLOWERSto water or use it as a foliage feeder. Take a look at my plants! Sorry, they were not worth photographing a few
weeks ago so I only have “after” pictures. In fact, the only fertilizer we are allowed is manure and fish emulsion. I followed the directions on the container and used the fish emulsion early in the spring and throughout

The best natural fertilizer The best natural fertilizer. This stuff is awesome and works fantastic. It is so easy to use. I use it on all my flowering plants, my blueberries, lime tree, lemon tree, fig tree. Flowers, hydrangeas, gardenias. It makes everything bloom and grows really nicely without making the bush/tree root bound at all. It does have a smell, but in a few hours, that is gone. Good Microbebio Organic Fertilizer This is a very good Microbebio Organic Fertilizer for plants and vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, etc. This is one of the best-kept secrets out there. I can’t tell you how much money we’ve spent trying to revive or just keep landscaping alive. We bought a dispenser from Home Depot that hooked onto the hose and sprayed everything….. within days, plants perked up. Now it’s been 2 weeks and we have a foot of new growth on our hollies, jasmine is going wild and everything else is thriving too. Our grass is coming out of the dormant stage but I can’t wait to see how it works on our lawn once it’s green. A little goes

a long way but I’m glad I got the gallon size bc it will certainly be used from now on. The smell wasn’t as bad as I expected and was gone by the next day. Great stuff!
Savior of my veggie garden!!!!
Works wonders in the garden!! I have tested my soil due to some plants looking like they were struggling. Found that my nitrogen levels were way too low. (NOT GOOD!) With so many options, I needed something that would work immediately. This Microbebio Organics AQS has done the trick. I’ve had no problems with burning the plants and all plants seem to boost in size overnight after application! While the smell isn’t pleasant.. the results are amazing!

Effects on yield and on dragon fruit quality
A large number of field experiences had to be carried out in order to be able to explore the effects of the fertilizer in Dragon Fruit. When dragon fruit was treated with our fertilizer, there was a 12.88% and 60.59% increase as you compared the results with traditional fertilizer options. Once you compared this to the cattle manure fertilizer, the yield and sugar-acid ratio saw an increase of 9.88% and 5.68%. This makes it ideal for the use of pitaya (Dragon Fruit).
There is no doubt that the Microbebio Organics AQS used on Dragon Fruit has a very relevant effect on it and this means that the quality of the fruits, their resistance, the yield, and the overall quality of the products are all going to be greatly affected by the fertilizer you choose. Plenty of data supports the fact that chemical fertilizers are no match for organic fertilizers when it comes to ensuring optimal soil structure improvement and organic nutrient supplies. With that said, combining both organic and inorganic fertilizers has been essential.
Materials and methods involved
General test area situation
The experiments conducted took place for the Dragon Fruit which happens to be a tropical fruit and this involves a marine climate. The accumulated temperature is 8309 ~ 8519℃, the precipitation is 1417 ~ 1802 mm, and the level of evaporation is 1627 ~ 2129 mm. It is also important to note that the soil type is tuff latosol and the texture is a sandy clay type [7]. Soil fertility characteristics prior to planting include organic matter 17.31%, alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen 135.58 mg/kg-1, available P 390.76mg/kg- 1, available k 66.32 mg/kg-1, pH 4.03.
Dragon fruit for test: Local white heart pitaya varieties, fixed in May 2014, planting density of 140 columns per mu, around each column there are four pitaya trees.
Fertilizer for test:
- Cattle manure organic fertilizer: self-made by fruit growers (cow dung composting);
- Hydro Activator: developed by Biogas Base of Thermal Engine Institute Hydro Activator composting). The main nutrient contents of the two organic fertilizers are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Main nutrient contents of the two organic fertilizers
Organic fertilizer |
Organic matter (%) |
Total N(%) |
Available N (mg/kg) |
Available P (mg/kg) |
Available K (mg/kg) |
Cattle manure Organic fertilizer |
35.49 |
1.14 |
965.10 |
21459.03 |
19915.87 |
Hydro Activator |
25 |
5 |
5000.08 |
403.26 |
2012.99 |
Experimental design
A total of four setups for treatments got made, the control and the other two organic fertilizer treatments had the same fertilizer cost.
- T1: Traditional fertilization: Local farmer habits show the use of cattle manure organic fertilizer made by fruit farmers once a year, also compound fertilizer used 2 times a year;
- T2: The use of cattle manure organic fertilizer: Cattle manure organic fertilizer made by fruit growers get used at least 3 times every 12 months;
- T3: Hydro Activator: The Hydro Activator developed by Microbebio base of thermal engine institute is a 4 time a year application
18 columns of uniform growth pitaya were chosen for each treatment. Six trees were planted and repeated three times in each plot. There was also the adoption of a random block design. The fertilization radius was 30 cm per column, 5-6 cm deep soil layer, and soil covered. The other management operations were carried out according to the local pitaya production routine. Last but not least, all treatments were consistent and reliable.
Table 2 Fertilization scheme design for different treatments Fertilization time
Fertilization time |
Group |
Single |
Number of |
Total |
Over |
Pre-anthesis |
Strong Fruit |
T1 |
3 |
1 |
10 |
✔ |
0.18 kg Compound fertilizer/column |
0.18 kg Compound fertilizer/column |
T2 |
9 |
3 |
30 |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
T3 |
9 |
3 |
30 |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |

Investigation and measurement methods
After ripening, Dragon fruit was harvested in batches.
- Yield Indicators: All single fruit weights, as well as yield, were measured by weighing method. The yield was measured by the entire plant. The number of fruits was also counted. Single fruit weight was investigated in the process of randomly selecting 30% of the fruits that had been collected in the experimental plot.
- Quality Indicators: A total of 12 fruits were collected from 4 directions of east, south, west, and north for each plot in order to determine the quality. The total water content of the fruit was possible to measure by the drying and weighing method, the edible rate of the fruit was determined by weighing method, and soluble solids were determined with the use of an ATAGO PAL-1 mini-digital refractometer. In addition, the treatable acid determination was done by standard acid-base titration and the sugar content was determined by Filin reagent titration. Conventional methods determined the physical and chemical indexes of soil.
Results and Analysis
You can see some of the many effects that came from the treatments in terms of how the Dragon Fruit yield changed in the table below. It is very solid evidence that this is an excellent choice that brings the largest number of benefits to the quality of the final product.
Table 3 Statistical analysis of dragon fruit yield
Treatment |
Traditional |
Cattle manure |
Microbebio |
Increase of biogas manure (%) |
Compared with |
Compared with |
Fruit number per column(/column) |
52.17 b |
54.15 b |
62.86 a |
20.33 |
16.25 |
Yield per column |
14.23 b |
14.53 ab |
15.85 a |
12.78 |
9.75 |
Maximum single fruit weight (g) |
525 a |
3522 a |
515 a |
0 |
-1 |
Yield per hectare (kg/ha) |
29676.00 b |
30491.70 ab |
33485.85 a |
12.84 |
9.72 |
The level of quality in the Dragon Fruit had some substantially relevant differences. This was seen mainly in the total acid, sugars, water content, and soluble solids that it offered. The overall quality and taste of this fruit were enhanced in ways that have a level of relevance that is undeniable. The Microbebio treatment comes up with an obvious advantage in terms of positive results.
Table 4 Quality analysis of dragon fruit
Treatment |
Soluble solids (%) |
Total sugar (%) |
Total acid (%) |
Sugar-acid ratio |
Edible rate (%) |
Water content (%) |
Traditional |
6.95 a |
6.96 b |
0.38 a |
18.15 b |
0.73 a |
86.17 a |
Cattle manure |
11.3 a |
9.25 a |
0.34 ab |
27.60 ab |
0.76 a |
85.70 a |
Hydro Activator |
11.69 a |
9.30 a |
0.33 b |
29.14 a |
0.78 a |
86.09 a |
Note: The data in the table are the average of three repetitions, and the difference expressed by different letters after each column is 5%.
Effect of Hydro Activator the value of the Dragon Fruit
It is important to note that the ratio of output to input is one of the most decisive factors that affects the popularization of fertilizers. This in turn is affected by the price of fertilizer and the price of Dragon Fruit. In this study, except for any different fertilizer inputs involved, all other inputs like medication, management, and employment, were the same. Hydro Activator is created by composting and fermentation of biogas fermentation residues. This is the type of process that is found in waste recycling.
Considering the promotion on the market and also referring to the average price of the organic fertilizer product, it is assumed to be 89 USD/ton. This is the same as the price found in cow manure organic fertilizers. When compared with the traditional fertilization treatment prices, cattle manure organic fertilizer as well as Hydro Activator treatments increased the number of organic fertilizer options that could be applied and the cost of fertilizer was increased. The cost of additional fertilizer was equal when you consider both groups.
Table 4 displays that compared with popular fertilization groups, the sufficient application of Hydro Activator is going to increase the yield and thus increase the net income in the process. The newly increased income is 22,555 USD/ha, and the VCR (vario-cost ratio) is referring to the ratio of the income of the increased agricultural products which happens after fertilization. The food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations believes that VCR>2 is economically viable.
All of the compiled data is showing that the newly increased profit can potentially reach 0.73 USD for every input of 0.15 USD. This is saying that the income could be increased by applying Hydro Activator in the recommended amounts.
When this is compared with the full application of cattle manure organic fertilizer, the application of Hydro Activator could obtain a higher benefit of 17,659 USD under the condition of the same cost of fertilization. Therefore, it is very viable to apply Hydro Activator in dragon fruit cultivation for optimal results.
Table 5 Effect of Hydro Activator fertilizer on economic benefit of dragon fruit
Treatment |
Yield(kg/ha) |
Output value (1484 USD/ha) |
Newly increased income |
Fertilization Cost (USD/ha) |
Traditional |
29676.00 |
1.76 |
- |
0.83 |
- |
Cattle manure |
30491.70 |
1.81 |
0.05 |
0.12 |
1.06 |
Hydro Activator |
33485.85 |
1.99 |
0.23 |
0.17 |
4.95 |
Note: The data in the table are based on the current market price, compound fertilizer is 45 USD/50kg, cattle manure organic fertilizer is 89 USD/ton, Hydro Activator is self-made, calculated as 89 USD/ton according to the market organic fertilizer market, the purchase price of pitaya fruit is 0.59 USD /kg, VCR = net income added value/fertilization cost added value.
18.9 tons of Hydro Activator fertilizer is applied per hectare in the same fertility pitaya orchard, and with that, the fruit number per column reaches 62.83, which is notably higher than what is found in cattle manure organic fertilizer and traditional fertilizers. The yield per hectare is 33485.85 kg, which is 2994. This means is it 15 kg/ha higher than that of the cattle manure organic fertilizer, with a significant increase of 9.82%, and 3809.85 kg/ha higher than traditional fertilizer options, with an increase of 12.84%, the difference is more than significant.
With the increase in yield, the total sugar content also increased and the total acid content decreases. The good thing is that this significantly increases the sugar/acid ratio of the fruit. This also means it improves the overall quality of the fruits.

In a nutshell, the application of Hydro Activator fertilizer is showing outstanding results for the purpose of increasing yield and improving quality. VCR value analysis is showing that the full application of Hydro Activator fertilizer is more than reasonable, and has a good application to ensure that Dragon Fruit production is highly optimized.
- Hydro Activator works slowly. In order for organic fertilizers to work, the soil has to first break them down. This means that both the soil and the plants in it get the nutrition they need when they need it. Synthetic fertilizers, although speedy, often overfeed the plant, do nothing for the soil, and can damage plants by burning them.
- Hydro Activator improves the soil. Organic materials and fertilizers improve the soil texture, allowing it to hold water longer, and increase the bacterial and fungal activity in the soil. So, they not only assist your plants, they help the soil. Synthetic fertilizers, on the other hand, deplete the soil of its nutrients, making it unproductive. Good luck growing those juicy tomatoes in unproductive soil!
- Hydro Activators are safe, you can rest assured that organic fertilizers are safe for the environment, your family, and your pets. Synthetic fertilizers require a significant amount of fossil fuels to produce and process and often run off into nearby water sources like streams and lakes. Hydro Activator are easy to apply. Organics are just as easy to apply as their synthetic, non-organic counterparts. Adding them to soil or spraying them on leaves — however you use them, they add countless benefits to your garden while providing the same amount of convenience and ease as chemical fertilizers.
Why is Microbebio AQS is better than compost?
Microbebio has several advantages over compost. Including:
- Healthier, sturdier plants.
- Healthier soil.
- Reduces soil erosion and nutrient runoff.
- Greater resistance to pest and disease.
- Improved water efficiency and holding capacity resulting in decreased water needs.
Composting also has many shortcomings compared to Microbebio AQS. Compost cannot usually be used on a commercial basis due to lack of materials, while Microbebio AQS can be used on any plot of land small or large. Compost can carry risk of bacteria such as salmonella. Microbebio AQS only introduces beneficial nutrients and organic matter that feed the soil biological system. Composting creates salinity problems which can have negative impacts on the health of your soil. Microbebio AQS is designed to combat salinity and make your soil healthier to produce bigger and healthier crops.
Final thoughts on liquid Hydro Activator fertilizer
There are all kinds of benefits that we have detailed in this document for those who seek to make use of liquid Hydro Activator fertilizer. It is essential to consider the many important facts and comparisons that allow people to make the right kind of decisions when it comes to their fertilizer purchases.