MicrobeBio ® Vigor Foliar™
With this product, the company assembled our most advanced technologies for organic nutrients and micronized algae with other natural ingredients to formulate our proprietary, foliar organic nitrogen fertilizer, and beneficial microorganisms. Vigor Foliar™ can be applied to plants to promote plant health. Leaves have small pores where nutrients may enter directly.
Microbebio Vigor Foliar™ becomes another valuable tool for growers to enhance their fertility applications. The natural plant growth substances present in the product improves the biochemical and physiological processes involved in crop growth and development. This product promotes cell division and seed germination, increases photosynthesis, selected enzymes improves stress tolerance, induces flowering and fruit growth and increases the quality of produce.
- Maintain consistently result over the crop cycle, reduce metabolic stress, and achieve much more of the genetic potential
- Promote seed germination and increasing the early vigor of seedlings
- Act synergistically with other endogenous hormones
- Promote cell division and cell elongation
- Increase the level of enzymes responsible for the synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins, vitamin, and sugars
- Increase photosynthesis and translocation of assimilates to economic plant parts
- Impact stress resistance under adverse environmental conditions
- Include flowering and increase fruit set and fruit growth
- Increase quality of produce
- Increase chlorophyll content in leaves
- The metabolic processes of the plant are optimized
- Increase the efficiency of plant nutrient and energy uptake and transport
Vegetative Growth
- Flowering time regulation
- Increased male and female fertility
- Greater seed development and seed filling
- Higher fiber production
- Faster fruit ripening
- Regulation of Flowering
- Improves male and female fertility
- Greater seed development and seed filling
- Higher fiber production
- Faster fruit ripening
Stress tolerance (of)
- Salt and drought tolerance
- Thermotolerance
- Oxidative stress tolerance
- Pathogen resistance
- Heavy metal and Herbicide/Pesticide tolerance
Other functions
- Enhanced nitrogen metabolism
- Protective gene expression
- Enhanced metabolic efficiency
- Nutrition alteration capabilities
- Effective plant growth
- regulation

Promotes growth |
Stimulates microbial activity |
Improved root depth and density |
Enhances water holding capacity |
Increased nutrient efficiency |