MICROBEBIO® Phenom Core 1.0™

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MICROBEBIO® Phenom Core 1.0™

MICROBEBIO® Phenom Core 1.0™ takes the guesswork out of mineral extraction. Its unique combination of microbial strains enables it to break down rock ores into smaller particles with increased surface area, resulting in more efficient metal recovery and a better return on investment for mining operations. With its advanced technology, ease of use, and proven results, MICROBEBIO® Phenom Core 1.0™ is the ideal solution for optimizing your mineral extraction processes.
The combination of enzymes, proteins, and minerals found in MICROBEBIO® Phenom Core 1.0™ is designed to maximize efficiency in the extraction process of precious metals and rare earth metals from ore. By accelerating the breakdown process, this proprietary formulation helps speed up recovery times to a fraction of what they would be without it.

Together with careful application practices and proper safety measures, MICROBEBIO® Phenom Core 1.0™ offers an effective and responsible means for recovering valuable resources from ore more quickly than ever before.