Microbial fertilizer Organic Fertilizer USA > Products > MICROBEBIO® Phenom OR 1.0™
(Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery Downhole Injection):
The Microbebio Phenom OR 1.0 was designed with an emphasis on cost savings and performance. By utilizing a proprietary blend of bacteria, the product ensures that blockages are removed more efficiently than traditional methods such as chemical cleaning or mechanical scraping. This not only increases production by optimizing flow but also reduces additional costs associated with repairing damaged pipes and other related issues. Furthermore, the product is safe for use in sensitive areas due to its low toxicity profile and lack of adverse environmental impact.
Microbebio Phenom OR 1.0 is a revolutionary oil recovery technology that uses microbial biotechnology to break down oils and increase production from trapped reservoirs. With this technology, operators can gain back access to valuable resources while reducing their environmental impact. Microbebio Phenom OR 1.0 improves API values, viscosity, and oil mobility, resulting in increased production efficiency and cost savings for operators. In addition, the microbial biotechnology used in this process has a minimal effect on the environment compared to chemical treatments that could potentially damage it further.