Microbial fertilizer Organic Fertilizer USA > Products > MicrobeBio® Rhizo Optimal™
MicrobeBio® Rhizo Optimal™ is an organic granular biofertilizer slow release that contains primary, secondary, and micro-nutrients, organic matter with available organic nitrogen sources, biostimulant, advance biological, humic acid, fulvic acid, mineral elements to stimulate microbial activity in plant growth, and beneficial microorganisms throughout the growing season, no matter the crop or condition of the soil. Our product improves the bio-geochemical process such as carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, mineralization, and decomposition. It has the ability to hold, convert, stabilize and increase nitrogen in the soil. This product is easy to use for broadcasting as a direct nutrient contact to seeds and roots across the entire field.
• Promotes growth
• Stimulates microbial activity
• Improves root depth and density
• Enhances water holding capacity
• Increases nutrient efficiency
• Increases BRIX levels
• Delivers primary nutrient source of food for plants
• Improves water retention
• Application: Using 25 kg to treat 1 hectare
Use in conjunction with other MicrobeBio® products.
• Spray Method: Dry spray by manual spread or electrical sprayer.