MICROBEBIO® Phenom OR 4.0™

Microbial fertilizer Organic Fertilizer USA > Products > MICROBEBIO® Phenom OR 4.0™

MICROBEBIO® Phenom OR 4.0™

The Microbebio Phenom OR 4.0 consortium has the potential to revolutionize how countries and organizations around the world manage their toxic heavy metal concentration in industrial waste, wastewater, and other contaminated media. This groundbreaking technology can be used to reduce or even eliminate these contaminants, helping create a more sustainable future for all of us.
The consortium has achieved impressive results on a large scale due to its use of advanced microbial technologies that have been carefully developed and tested over time in order to ensure effectiveness and safety. The consortium’s approach is based on utilizing natural processes by using specially selected microorganisms that are capable of breaking down toxic metals into harmless forms.
The consortium’s process is incredibly efficient, taking heavy metals from a hazardous form and transforming them into an inert form in just minutes. The oxidation-reduction processes used by the consortium are tailored to the unique characteristics of each metal, ensuring maximum effectiveness. As such, toxic substances like lead and arsenic can be quickly neutralized without leaving any residual toxins behind.
In addition to providing a safe disposal method for harmful metals, the consortium’s methods also provide beneficial reuse opportunities. After being safely transformed, the ash created during this process can be repurposed for use in construction materials or agricultural soil amendments.
